
WELCA & Men's Group
St. Paul’s Women of the ELCA group sponsors projects to help our congregation, community, and denomination. For example, we collect school supplies for local children, participate in Lutheran World Relief efforts, hold a Christmas Brunch and a Spring Fling, and attend the annual WELCA convention. We meet once a month for fellowship and projects. All women of the congregation are invited.
The Men's Group is open to all men and boys of the congregation and usually meets once a month. Many programs and activities are held each year. We have had game nights, movie nights, Bible studies, picnics, and excellent programs on a variety of topics. We host the annual Red Lewis Night at Smokies Stadium, an Easter Brunch, and OktoberFest for the congregation.

Youth Ministry
Children in grades pre-K through 6 meet at 10:45am for Sunday school during the school year.
Students in grades 6-8 are invited to join the confirmation class.

Outreach Ministry
St. Paul is deeply committed to several local organizations. With our prayers, time, skills, and
funds, we support the Community Food Connection of Blount County, Family Promise, and Good Neighbors. We host a Girl Scout troop, and we provide Thanksgiving baskets for families in need, comfort quilts and handwork for individuals and organizations, and Christmas gifts through Sanitation Santa. We participate in Lutheran World Relief projects, and we try to serve both locally and far away, whenever possible, as opportunities arise.

Music Ministry
Our gifted pianist/organist, Chase, plays for worship services and accompanies the choir. Our dedicated choir director, Marsha, leads a talented group of singers throughout the fall, winter, and spring.
The bell choir plays on occasion, and special music replaces the choir during the summer. Congregational singing plays a significant role in the services.

Stephen Ministry
A Stephen Minister is ...
• A child of God who walks beside a hurting person;
•A caring Christian who really listens;
• A member of our congregation who has received 50 hours of training in how to provide distinctively Christian care;
• A person who is ready to focus on your needs;
• A trustworthy confidant who will keep everything you say—and even your identity—confidential; and
• Someone who will faithfully meet with you on a weekly basis for as long as your need persists.
A Stephen Minister is NOT ...
• A counselor or therapist;
• A problem-solver;
• Someone who runs errands or helps with chores; or
• A casual visitor.
Our Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to people who are:
• Grieving the death of a loved one
• Hospitalized or recovering from hospitalization
• Lonely or discouraged
• Coping with a terminal illness or caring for a family member with a terminal illness
• Unemployed or in a job crisis
• Disabled or caring for an ill or disabled family member
• Moving or relocating
• New to the congregation or the community
• Anticipating the birth or adoption of a child
• Homebound or institutionalized
• Transitioning into retirement
• Dealing with the crisis of aging
• Facing a life transition
• Experiencing a spiritual crisis
• Victims of a disaster or accident
And for people facing countless other
crises or life challenges or who are going
through a difficult time and could
benefit from the care of a supportive
Christian friend.